How to get a Divorce in Florida

How to get a Divorce in Florida? Five Steps

How to get a Divorce in Florida? Complete Process

Getting a divorce can be stressful. Therefore, to help you understand how to get a divorce in Florida. The process involves 5 steps. Here are the steps to get a divorce in Florida:

Five Steps to Get Divorce in Florida

1- Filing the Petition

Filing the petition is the first stage in the divorce process. The marriage is described as “irretrievably broken” in the petition. The county where the Petitioner currently resides or where the Petitioner’s last joint residence was will serve as the location of the court filing.

2- Answering the Petition

The next step in the divorce process is to write and submit an answer to the petition to nullify the marriage. The other spouse’s position on the petition will be reflected in the response, which frequently contains a counter-petition.

3- Gathering Crucial Information

The discovery process allows the divorcing parties to learn more crucial details affecting the divorce’s outcome. One party frequently fails to reveal all of its assets to the other. A divorce lawyer will be a legal professional familiar with the discovery procedure.

4- Negotiating the Terms of the Divorce

Florida law mandates mediation for divorce if there are still disagreements over the divorce petition. Mediation may not be necessary if you have experienced domestic violence. A divorce lawyer protects your rights and perspectives regarding alimony, property, and other aspects of the negotiations.

5- Agreeing on a Parenting Plan

In a divorce with children, one of the last tasks is to decide on the parenting schedule. The plan will cover various topics about the child (or children), including the role played by each parent in raising the youngsters. It will also detail the timesharing timetable and the communication procedure with the kids.

Finalizing the Divorce

The Final Judgment, or “order of dissolution,” is authorized by a judge. In Florida, it is typical for the attorney of the party who filed the divorce petition to draft the judgment if negotiations were successful and a divorce was granted without a trial.

How to get a divorce in Florida for free?

Divorce is difficult enough. A lot is going on. The marriage is ending, and the children are undergoing a traumatic experience. Therefore, the last thing you would want to do is make the procedure take longer than it must.  Divorces that last a long time are expensive and stressful. There are, however, ways to divorce without paying a fee and have the court grant your petition without counsel. Let us find out how to get a divorce in Florida for free.

Divorce proceedings are sometimes represented as drawn-out judicial battles between attorneys for each party. However, it is possible to get a divorce without an attorney and without spending a lot of money. Don’t spend money on divorce paperwork when you can acquire any form and legal paperwork for nothing! You can ensure that your divorce in Florida is affordable by using the free forms and other paperwork.

You shouldn’t pay anyone for fundamental facts on Florida divorce. You can obtain all legal forms for nothing from the Florida Supreme Court. If you have the energy, time, and inner strength to seek divorce forms online, you can find most family law forms there.

How much is a divorce in Florida?

There are undoubtedly a lot of questions you have if you’re a Floridian facing the dissolution of your marriage—including how much is a divorce in Florida. Here we will cover the costs of uncontested divorce.

You must satisfy Florida’s residence requirements and reach an uncontested divorce agreement on all issues, including custody of children and support, visitation rights, alimony, and property distribution. The fact that uncontested divorces can be acquired without a lawyer is their main benefit.

However, your uncontested divorce’s cost will rely on the following:

  • Whether you have your forms prepared by a document preparation provider.
  • Whether you or your partner hire a lawyer.
  • Whether you or your partner need mediation to reach an agreement;
  • Whether you or your partner have put your agreements in the paper.

The average cost of an uncontested divorce when dealing with a lawyer to assist you is between $1,500 and $5,000. Your chosen attorney may or may not pay the filing fee required by the Clerk of Court. Typically, such cost comes to $400. As a result, prepare to pay the Clerk’s filing charge in addition to paying your lawyer’s fee. Whether you have kids or not will also affect how much you will pay your lawyer. A formal Parenting Plan must be created if you have minor children.

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