A court may order one spouse to pay the other alimony before, during, or after the divorce. When it was typical for one spouse to work full-time and the other to stay at home to raise the couple’s children or take care of the home, the idea of alimony emerged.
The adjustment from two to one income might, in certain situations, be challenging when one spouse files for divorce. Even if it’s more typical for both partners to have a job these days, alimony is still possible for either partner to make sure that neither one is left destitute or in need of government support after the divorce.
How do I calculate alimony in Florida?
In Florida, alimony is determined by need and capacity to pay. According to a recommended formula by the American Association of Matrimonial Lawyers, alimony should be calculated as 30% of the payer’s gross yearly income, less 20% of the payee’s gross annual income.
In deciding whether to grant alimony, the court must first consider whether the spouse making the request has a need and then assess whether the other spouse can meet all or part of that need. Courts typically consider the excess or deficit on each party’s financial affidavit when deciding whether to grant alimony. Although Florida doesn’t have a set formula for alimony, there are some suggested parameters.
How long must you continue paying alimony?
Several other circumstances, including Florida State Laws, affect how long you will have to pay alimony. For example, if your marriage lasted seventeen years, perpetual alimony may be acceptable; however, if it lasted less than seventeen years, it is less probable that permanent alimony will be granted.
Perpetual alimony may be justified, even if the marriage lasted for fewer than 17 years, provided the justifications are convincing. Read more
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