How much does it cost to get a divorce if both parties agree

How much does it cost to get a divorce if both parties agree?

How much does it cost to get a divorce if both parties agree? Couples that resolve their differences through compromise rather than going to court will incur much lesser costs. Specific factors to consider are: Marital assets and debts exist. You have minor children. One of you or your partner is requesting alimony. You’ll retain…

Is Florida A Community Property State

Is Florida A Community Property State?

Is Florida a Community Property State? When it comes to the division of assets and debts within a marriage, the question “Is Florida a community property state?” frequently arises. Understanding how property is categorized and divided in Florida is essential, particularly for those who are married, planning to get married, or going through a divorce….

How to File for Divorce in Florida Without a Spouse

How to File for Divorce in Florida Without a Spouse?

How to File for Divorce in Florida Without a Spouse? Divorce decision-making is challenging enough without additional issues. It can make things much more challenging and stressful if your spouse is uncooperative and does not sign the divorce paperwork. If your husband doesn’t sign the divorce papers, you might be wondering what to do next, even…